
2003 - 2008

1308 Clay St.

In the Fall of 2002, Paul and Matt Coors enlisted the help of their friend Dan Reddinger to renovate the main space of their warehouse-like apartment in OTR. With new openings every Final Friday, traditionally-minded gallery hoppers mixed with a contemporary-interested, often younger, crowd creating a diverse amalgam.

Publico also played host to a reading series, Clay Poetry, musical performances by various touring acts, and published a literary/arts journal called Grouper Magazine. This diversity of aesthetic concerns reflected in the programming is a direct result of Publico’s collaborative ethos. Publico was run by a collective of 7 artists who met weekly to discuss the curatorial and practical direction of the gallery.

CityBeat Cover, January 2009


Jimmy Baker

Britni Bicknaver

Evan Commander

Matt Coors

Paul Coors

Beth Graves

Brian Nicely

Dan Reddinger

Joey Versoza

Matt Waldbillig

Dana Ward


Discussion with Publico founders on the why, what, and how