2001 - 2003

2260 Central Pkwy

“A lifetime ago, I co-founded and ran a nonprofit organization and venue for the arts, called SSNOVA. From 2001 to 2003, as Executive Director, albeit unpaid/volunteer/appointed as these “artist run spaces” go, I was tasked with the booking, promotions, public relations, grant writing, countless tours of the space, and more.

“I helped to create a flexible space where artists could experiment with scale, acoustics, collaboration, philosophy, philanthropy, and dream big, whether via visual art, film/video, intimate theater, poetry, puppetry, performance art, fashion, or live music... and all these artists and curiosity-seekers were there, participating and propping it up, and as a result, creative communities were strengthened within it.”

“I’ve recreated the calendar of events, as comprehensive a list as I could find record of each event, from news clippings, and my personal journal.”

- Emily Buddendeck, 9/8/2024


Emily Buddendeck (aka Emily Mazzeo)


A calendar of events at SSNOVA, along with associated artists’ names (as best as can be found/remembered) is available as a pdf here.